Mission & By-Laws | Columbia SoCal

The mission of Columbia SoCal is to foster camaraderie, mentorship, and encourage diversity among graduates and students of Columbia University. In furtherance of such purposes, it shall encourage educational and recreational activities for its members, recruit candidates for admission to Columbia University, and generally promote and encourage communication and support between Columbia University and its alumni residents in the region.

It shall serve in extending knowledge of the aims and achievements of Columbia University, promote the interest of all alumni and alumnae in the academic and extracurricular activities of Columbia, represent the interests of the University in the six-county region composed of Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties in the state of California.

We look forward to seeing how best we can serve your interests through the diversity of schools that Columbia University encompasses and that Columbia SoCal represents.

Current By-Laws (approved 4/22/21)